Watch the amazing Locus juggle several books at once, and try not to drop any! Free admission.
"Holden was starting to feel like they were all monkeys playing with a microwave. Push a button, a light comes on inside, so it's a light. Push a different button and stick your hand inside, it burns you, so it's a weapon. Learn to open and close the door, it's a place to hide things. Never grasping what it actually did, and maybe not even having the framework necessary to figure it out. No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito."
I actually have to force myself to slow down when reading the books in this series, so I won't inhale them all in a couple of weeks and be sad when it's over (although I see that there's a new book out very soon). So far, I've been stretching the reading out for months, with breaks for other books in between.
There's a new cast of characters here to accompany the Rocinante crew on their latest mission. Holden and the crew are the only constants throughout the novels, and chapters are told from the perspectives of an always-rotating cast. However, by the end of each book we get to know these new characters perfectly, and laugh or cry along with them on their journeys. Also, it's sometimes hard for me to remember that Corey is actually a pen-name for two authors; the writing is so seamless that I can't tell any differences in style, or who is writing what.
And that's all I can really say without spoiling, except to point out that the story that began in the first novel continues its course, with ever more terrifying consequences for the universe. If you're a science fiction fan, I very much recommend the Expanse books.